Sonnet: Retrocausal Theory of History

by Kevin Soto  

Rem Koolhaas, whose name reminds me of the ice cream sandwiches
sold at Urban Outfitters, spoke of “blind happiness,”
which he defined in apophatic terms. Not the ephemeral
appeasement of the lizard brain through consumer goods.
Not the vision that Catherine of Siena recounted in a letter,
where she saw the eternal soul bloom from the neck
stump of a Perugian, “so aware of the fragrance of blood that
I could not remove the blood which had splashed on me.”

Oysters in deep waters are small, wrote Pliny the Elder,
because it is dark and “in their sadness they look less for food.”
When Heraclitus fell ill, he asked his servants
to lay him out in the sun and bury him in cow shit.
When he eventually died, he was buried in the marketplace.

Pop legend Justin Bieber visits Çatal hüyük. 
He runs his hand across an aurochs’ horn.
Skiff on a river. They all would have been beliebers. 

Kevin Soto is a poet and bon viviant in Los Angeles.
